9th International conference


Chemistry & nutrition science beyond smart food designing

13 - 15 September 2023 Prague Czech Republic

Chemical Reactions in Foods IX

Dear colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 9th international conference CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN FOODS IX (CRF 2023), to be held in Prague, 13 - 15 September, 2023.

This event continues the successful series of meetings held in Prague in 1992–2017, under the auspices of Food Chemistry Division, EuCheMS. The key theme of CRF in 2023 is Chemistry & nutrition science beyond smart food designing.

All sources of food as well as new processing technologies will be considered in the Program of CRF 2023.

EuChemS, as well as the Organizers (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic and University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy and Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands) considers strategic the studies focused on the elucidation of the chemical mechanisms in foods, which constantly lead to new knowledge in different areas of food science.

We hope the Conference will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the importance of such knowledge in our papers, discussions and personal communications. The Programme will be tailored to provide a lot of opportunities for you to network as well as explore the latest results of the food chemistry community. Mechanistic researches, applied researchers, but also predictive science, reactions elucidation and studies on model foods are particularly welcomed.

Prague has a long tradition to gather philosophers, (al)chemists, astronomers, and other knowledgeable people from around the Old World. There are a lot of things going on in the city all the time, and you may become part of it. We are looking forward to your contributions on the subject we have chosen (particularly young food chemists). We would like to encourage you to register as a speaker or poster presenter as well as to join us just for interesting discussion. We believe that you will greatly benefit from the scientific programme, exchange information and ideas with old friends/new acquaintances, and enjoy your stay in Prague.

As long as you are willing to join us, please mark the Chemical Reactions in Foods IX in your calendar. We look forward to seeing you in Prague in September 2023.

Jana Hajšlová (UCT Prague, Czech Republic) & Marco Arlorio (UPO, Italy) & Vincenzo Fogliano (WUR, The Netherlands)
On behalf of the CRF 2023 organizers



Setting the scene: What are the features of food ´smartness´?

Nutritious Healthy Safe Tasty Good shelf life Produced in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way
Processed by innovative technologies Smart packaging used


New knowledge on reaction pathways and interactions of food components under various processing/storage condition resulting in changes of quality attributes with a special focus on Maillard reaction; advanced analytical strategies for in-depth studies of both major and minor nutrients composition changes; prediction models
Current trends in food production, processing, packaging and distribution; the benefits and limitations of novel ´mild´ processing technologies; critical comparison against conventional approaches in terms of nutritional value, sensory quality and safety; new analytical techniques characterizing these parameters
Reactions and interactions of food additives, flavorings and other ingredients in food matrices; challenges to prevent process-induced contaminants; mechanism behind mitigation of contaminants/ residues across food production chain
Novel protein sources – future perspectives; plants and herbs - bioactivity testing and bioprospecting strategies; composition and safety characterization; authentication / fraud detection; traceability of origin; shelf-life testing; solutions for food waste and side streams utilization; processes for isolation of food ingredients
Scientific committee (Tentative list)
Prof. Jana Hajslova (chair) University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Marco Arlorio (co-chair) University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy
Prof. Vincenzo Fogliano (co-chair) Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Joana S. Amaral Food Chemistry Division of EuChemS
Dr. Zuzana Ciesarova Food Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
Prof. Manuel A. Coimbra University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Prof. Chiara Dall'Asta University of Parma, Parma, Italy
Prof. Vural Gökmen Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Prof. Marina Heinonen University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Thomas Henle Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Prof. Hans-Gerd Janssen Unilever Research and Development, Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Prof. Rudolf Krska University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, IFA-Tulln, Austria
Prof. Monika Pischetsrieder University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Prof. Michele Suman Barilla Food Research Labs, Parma, Italy
Organizing committee
Jana Hajslova, Jana Pulkrabova, Monika Tomaniova, Martina Vlckova, Edita Ryslava University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Marco Arlorio University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy


Smart registration

Euro 395

  • Registration received until June 30, 2023


Euro 275

  • Registration received until June 30, 2023

Regular registration

Euro 465

  • Any registration received from July 1, 2023

*The proof of student status (e.g. copy of a student identity card) has to be sent after registration to the e-mail address CRF2023@vscht.cz.


  • June 30, 2023
    Abstract submission deadline (oral presentation)
  • June 30, 2023
    Abstract submission deadline (poster presentation)
  • August 1, 2023
    Notification of Abstracts acceptance
  • August 10, 2023
    Last minute posters deadline
  • August, 2023
    Final programme
  • June 30, 2023
    Reduced registration fee deadline
  • Ongoing
    Deadline to apply for participation as a Sponsor or Exhibitor
  • September 13, 2023
    Registration desk open from 9.00 a.m.
  • September 13 - 15, 2023
    Scientific programme of the conference
  • September 13, 2023
    Welcome drink
  • September 14, 2023
    Conference Dinner


  • Masarykova kolej,
    Thákurova 1,
    160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic